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ᘛ⁐ᕐᐷgoofy gooberꈨ  : Loving this idk if this is considered haters to lovers but in my heart it is and I am LOVING IT
fuku : lol that cliffhanger reminds of some comics where they ask the viewer stuff like
how do you think she'll respond in the next chapter?
a. get mad at him for jumping the gun
b. turn into a chicken
c. starts her empress training
Kouquette sigma : "Give us a Whole lot of Nothing!" Ahh Ending
ri_sksksksskksks : just like sob, therell be love triangle even here but yeah hoping that shed just give up and open her heart to that blue haired guy,, i want to see these ships all sail happily ( ꈍᴗꈍ)