22 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.2 Ch.16 : The Guarantee Of Peace (END)

Feb 1, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.15 : Blow Away The Worst Day of My Life

Jan 30, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.14 : It Had To happen On the Worst Day of My Life

Jan 27, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.13 : The Worst Day Of My Life

Jan 25, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.12 : The World's Strongest Man That Was Born Pure Evil

Jan 18, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.11 : 1 For Marufuji ; 3 For Sasuga

Dec 27, 2019

Vol.2 Ch.10 : Versus Defensive Strength

Sep 17, 2019

Vol.2 Ch.9 : One Man Show

Sep 1, 2019

Ch.8 : When A Hero Has To Choose

Jun 6, 2016

Ch.7 : Lutita Begins

Jun 6, 2016


Jun 3, 2016

Vol.1 Ch.5 : One Who Drowns, One Who Swims

Aug 15, 2015

Vol.1 Ch.4 : The Hero's Partner

Aug 15, 2015

Vol.1 Ch.3 : Even Heroes Might Have A Weakness

Aug 15, 2015

Ch.2 : The name of the goddess who administers justice

May 27, 2015

Vol.1 Ch.1 : The Strongest Girl in the World Was Born With a Heart of Justice

May 27, 2015

Ch.1 : The world's strongest girl was born with a just heart

May 25, 2015
click to show all of the chapters


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