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azura517 : If the female lead shows up and we get a whole arc of "oh I know they should be together I can't get in-between even if I love ruby" bs I'm dropping this. Why do all these stories have fun premises then go down the same line???
Javvy : The MC is starting to annoy me. It’s obvious the story doesn’t apply anymore but she keeps trying to force it to. She also doesn’t think much. She just relies on Shiro and Demiur and gets mad when they don’t do the work for her. The story is also taking too long to get to the point. It’s not a horrible story but it spends way too much time on filler content. How many tea parties and detox convos do we need? I’d like to see her be proactive in solving issues or growing her poison skill instead of just obsessing over a narrative that doesn’t matter anymore.
Noonim : He farted? Looks like it? Lmao
hehehaha : FINALLY I missed seeing MC use her powers sm it feels like ages since the last time we saw kt
sunydeis : He's down baaaaad this story its mad cute
Fujoshi : She told him shut up immediately, I love itttt