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JAHE° : regardless of how her backstory might be (people says she might be closeted blablabla) she still annoying af. spreading his number around( ̄へ ̄)
romeo : Once again there is no acknowledgement she is a rudwick....... she's only known as a "rigelhoff'
stellar : cuuuuuute
Yaoifandom : Don't say that in her presence. Ya'll make her believe that she's also going to be executed
Ethereal : I’m very much in agreement with poster Kaz. This manwha seemed so interesting when it first began. the storyline of a tortured and traumatized siren and an out of his mind demon possessed noble made such an interesting contrast.

The start was good, i was happy with the way they slowly introduced the characters and showed how she would gain their trust and love from them and how the ml was adorably trying to drive her away. I was all for it.

and then they got married while she was 10 and he 14 and i slowly became confused as hell. When is it going to time skip? when are we going to get out of the innocent blushing giggly stage and get to the dark drama?

but then i remembered that the tragedy was meant to happen when the ml was 18, which would make her 14. i then came to the very sudden and frustrating realization that this entire manwha was likely going to be about them as children. there would be no real age up because it has to show the step by step progress of solving the family’s curse. at most we may get a month to a year time skip but what’s that going to do? she will still be a child.

I’m so upset and a little disappointed because i was very hopeful about this but frankly I’m not into reading about the budding romance of a 14 yo in a 10 yos body and her 14yo husband.

atp just give me the parents love story