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Rustic : Someone tell his embarrassing ass that he needs to grow his hair out again because that’s the only good thing about him
ihavesinned:3 : Only to make us cry in the end
Potato : Inconsistent af literally nothing makes sense. It’s generic from the art to the characters. Ugh the characters piss me off especially the mc and ml.

Logically no matter what kind of brain dead loopholes the author tries to come up with it wouldn’t make sense if the mc couldn’t see her son if she actually has authority as empress WHICH SHE APPARENTLY DOES if the guards and servants are actually afraid of getting punished by her. So it’s clear that she just never cared or had the drive to see her so in her past life which automatically makes her a doormat pos who deserved her death.

Ml is the typically awful no emotion red eye black haired dumbass who pays zero attention to what happens in his household. Especially for assigning the abysmal tutors who took away the kid in the first place. I can already come up with some bullshit ass plot armor that basically absolves him of everything like he was “just so busy the people he assigned had taken advantage of him the whole time and he just knows nothing cause he’s such an AnGeL”. I bet there was probably some misunderstanding in the past that made him think the FL hated him the whole time and would probably not want to take care of a kid that belonged to him and he listened because he actually “lOvEd HeR tHiS wHoLe TiMe”.

Stereotypical, generic, bullshitty, and bad.
chloyin : Does anyone know where I can read the raws?
Sssnmn : Continue to have nightmares Yu son of bitch