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Haruhi : The way some people didn't like the fact that the teacher and white hair didn't get together... Like hello he knew him since he was a kid? Hello? Hello? Plus they were no hints AT ALL that they were interested in each other. NONE, white hair thinks of teacher time to time because teacher really left a mark in his childhood, I can relate to him ngl so he's actually my favourite character in the whole manhua. Like imagine you're white hair, you already know (think) that you're a disappointment and the teacher from your childhood memories keep reminding you as such, you always feel tormented whenever you get the reminder and ashamed of yourself because of the fact the you were a bad kid in the past (obviously he did all that cuz he wanted to feel wanted and loved especially by a guardian figure but I ain't condoning that btw). Ofc he's gonna leave a huge mark on you considering that he was also one of the people that raised you in your childhood years. I'm just happy he got back on his feet and happy with his life he is leading now.