: I regret reading this manhwa just now. I literally finish this in one sitting, I would love to talk how its beautifully written and the plot is really plot twisting i really thought my guess about what is going on/what is happening is correct turns out i was completely wrong the plot is a chef kiss although there's some scene or chapters thats feels so odd/off like that one scene were they exchange soul??!? But overall itss so good, WE SAY IN UNISON MAY THIS LOVE FIND US
: Again... Harem ruined everything. At least give some OP and smart FL.
: Yo like deadass? Theyre pissing me off, nobody wants to go your website if we’re already here + uploading purposely shitty chapters make people want to visit your site LESS! This is the third story that I’ve read thats been taken over by your parasitic uploads. Somebody needs to revoke whatever privileges this bumfuck group has so they can’t keep uploading and I pray that they read the comments because I want them to know that I truly want to curbstomp them.