17 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)



Jun 4, 2024

Vol.7 Ch.58 : Bargaining Chip

Nov 25, 2023

Vol.7 Ch.57 : The Aged Placenta

Nov 18, 2023

Vol.7 Ch.56 : The Return Of The Witch

Nov 18, 2023

Vol.7 Ch.55 : Osaragi In Yokosuka

Nov 4, 2023

Vol.7 Ch.54 : The Witch's Plan

Oct 31, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.53 : The Next Chapter

Oct 24, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.52 : Great Intel

Oct 17, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.51 : Road To Freedom

Oct 10, 2023

Ch.50 : Natural Order

Sep 21, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.49 : The Rv

Aug 14, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.48 : Nursing Aide

Aug 5, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.47 : My Rock

Jul 30, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.46 : Her Real Life

Jul 27, 2023

Vol.6 Ch.45 : Birthday

Jul 22, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.44 : Pay The Price

Jul 19, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.43 : Perp & Victim

Jul 11, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.42 : Murderer

Jul 9, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.41 : The 14 Pills

Jul 4, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.40 : A Surprising Negotiation

Jun 28, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.39 : Sample

Jun 21, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.38 : Suicide Bomber

Jun 14, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.37 : Experience & Intuition

Jun 10, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.36 : Second-Rate

Jun 5, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.34 : Low-Life

May 22, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.33 : Ryotei Marigiku

May 19, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.32 : Opportunity

May 10, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.31 : Rapture

May 2, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.30 : Kayo Minemura

Apr 27, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.29

Apr 21, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.28 : Sumaoka's Daughter

Apr 19, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.27 : Warm Hands

Apr 18, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.26 : The One Who 'Folds'

Apr 16, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.25 : Yokosukas' Car Dealer

Apr 15, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.24 : Logical Woman

Apr 13, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.23 : Lawyer Mabuchi

Apr 12, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.22 : Cornered

Apr 5, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.21 : Conspire & Collusion

Apr 4, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.20 : Akane Sone

Apr 3, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.19 : Erotic Monk

Apr 2, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.18 : Business Partner

Mar 31, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.17 : Drug Pro

Mar 30, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.16 : Kobes Art Dealer

Mar 29, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.15 : Label Baron

Mar 28, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.14 : Sex Drug

Mar 27, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.13 : Valuable Work

Mar 26, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.12 : Odawara Pharmacy

Mar 25, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.11 : Detective Jin Osaragi

Mar 24, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.10 : The Only Time

Mar 23, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.9 : When To Quit

Mar 22, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.8 : Coming Out

Mar 20, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.7 : My Original Compound

Mar 19, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.6 : The Perfect Compound

Mar 18, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.5 : Kanoko Houjou

Mar 17, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.4 : Mitsurou Sumaoka

Mar 16, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.3 : Active Ingredient

Mar 15, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.2 : Amazing White Stuff

Mar 14, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.1 : Tateo Sone

Mar 13, 2023
click to show all of the chapters


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