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perkystar : Daddy is fine... dark circles and all...


I meant, what happened to her hair?? she used to have a long luscious mane or am I tripping??
sortofsomething : I would understand if the artist never comes back to this story. It would suck, but I would get it. That shit must have been traumatic. Hope she's doing better now.
Spicy_Icecream : ML is such a kid it’s kind of annoying. He’s a sitting duck of an emperor. Reading this is not worth the annoyance anymore.
SighOrDie : more like : most annoying, egotisitcal NPCs that get WAAAAYYYY too much screen time. more than the MC half the time.
i wouldnt mind this so much if they didnt exist or didnt have soooo much acreen time, pointlessly too since none of them are relevant. my blood pressure is permanently spiked fr. like just say u cant write a core main cast well then jfc.
also the dialogue is real cringe. and i thought gravity user was supposed to be mage but he's close combat and doesnt use spells lol

other than that its not bad! do i just skip 3/4s of chapters, yes, but oh well.
riri ୨ৎ : my blood pressure reached heights I never knew it could reading this, everyone made me mad. ari, for the love of God, please regain ur memories by chap 70. idk how much longer I can take this shit show of an arc
zircon : I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS MANGA FOR SO LONG. finally found it tho lemme reread n catch up im so happy