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WhaNskY : I hope the story will end with that she successfully died and he left alone in the world without her like god curse him or something.

I also want her to just never ever call his name again because becoming invisible to someone is hurt. Like how she invisible to him in the past.
Rina : There are so many freaks in the world that would've let him do all the freaky shit in the world to them, WILLINGLY. Hell, even if he was into that nasty roleplaying shit (bc apparently ppl like the idea of rape), he still could've found someone willing.

God I couldn't imagine wanting to get my dick wet that bad that I'll rate someone and let my BABY brother watch.

When I remembered who recommended this to me, you will be dealt with.
The_Potato : The devil couldn't reach me so bro decided to nerf an angel instead
kjdxiulaces : I like the tiger and fox, their pairing is just so good and they look compatible to each other. The human and goblin looks kinda like boring tbh.
Vel : Is it me but comparing the art style of the ML in ch 61 and 58 I don't see huge difference in his facial characteristics.. What did you all notice? I'm curious