: at first the premise sounded interesting— a spirit mage reincarnating into earth and adapting.
but then it quickly grew stale. there's a huge power creep with her being the only spirit mage and each spirit being strong (plus able to solo A rank bosses).
on top of that, each characters interactions feel forced. the redhead hyper focused on "fighting strong opponents", the blonde caring deeply for someone he met 3 times, and all of them coincidentally meeting her every other day. plus the mc being nice to strangers but negligent towards the spirits (and the spirits just take it).
in my opinion, the story is really lackluster and is devoid of plot. i can kinda assume: later she'll get more element spirits like earth then maybe lightning; the reason she doesn't want attention is because of trauma from past life where too much fame made expectations high and then the populace blamed her for not being able to save everyone; which is also why she doesn't contract with the spirits bc once she has power she'll have responsibility; there's an increase in gates and outbreaks > she steps up and secretly clears gates by herself > the 3 mls get suspicious > she gives some basic excuse > they think eh yeah no way - over and over
to be fair, it is marked shoujo and slice of life so it's somewhat expected. for ppl new to the genre, it might be nice. by all means if you enjoy it, continue to read!! this is just my opinion on it as a piece of writing
: the auction arc, I was laughing like a hyena reading those chapters in the novel, this shit was si funny. ( prob one of my favorite because of the chaos lmao )
: YES GRANDPAPA, TIA IS PERFECT FOR THE MATRIARCH POSITION (≧∀≦) and Perez and Tia, yall can't fool us ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
but then it quickly grew stale. there's a huge power creep with her being the only spirit mage and each spirit being strong (plus able to solo A rank bosses).
on top of that, each characters interactions feel forced. the redhead hyper focused on "fighting strong opponents", the blonde caring deeply for someone he met 3 times, and all of them coincidentally meeting her every other day. plus the mc being nice to strangers but negligent towards the spirits (and the spirits just take it).
in my opinion, the story is really lackluster and is devoid of plot. i can kinda assume: later she'll get more element spirits like earth then maybe lightning; the reason she doesn't want attention is because of trauma from past life where too much fame made expectations high and then the populace blamed her for not being able to save everyone; which is also why she doesn't contract with the spirits bc once she has power she'll have responsibility; there's an increase in gates and outbreaks > she steps up and secretly clears gates by herself > the 3 mls get suspicious > she gives some basic excuse > they think eh yeah no way - over and over
to be fair, it is marked shoujo and slice of life so it's somewhat expected. for ppl new to the genre, it might be nice. by all means if you enjoy it, continue to read!! this is just my opinion on it as a piece of writing