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LunarKage : I was rooting for Kiki to live on but, noooooo ! Why must you kill off the homie bff , my ship is dead and my heart won't be able to take another dead ship if Wills gets killed.
manganiac : Can't help but compare it to Cry, Better if you beg. Both have almost similar story but this one is theworst.

Why is the young duke here so powerless??? I remember on CBIYB, people avoid mentioning Leyla and Matthias affair because they were afraid of him and everyone knows it is all his doing and no one blame Leyla for it except Claudine. But she was not able to hurt her physcially or humiliate her in front of everyone. But here, I do not understand why the ML just let her sister do those things to FL. I really hate the sister and I don't care about her sob story. She's old now but she still acts like a kid. I really hope her ending will be getting married to an old man.
Yanderelover : Why was that guy looking kinda hot