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mzhayn : Ngl, Raymond's feelings about the princess before the change is understandable. She was obsessive and very clingy and it's valid if people don't want that. I just hate how he suddenly started chasing after she changed. It shows that he didn't actually not like her because of her excessive behavior but it was something internalized.

Also I hate how these types of Ex MLs would hate FLs who are the one's chasing but then when she starts acting indifferent, the Ex ML would then start chasing back. Like ??? This is why I like FL and Kylo because FL is still doing the chasing and Kylo just lets her do it.
Alina : I love it sooo much thank you for such an amazing book pls bring more!!
valves : Can anyone just spoil it to me. Who will be the ml? Cause I really like the brown haired guy to be the ml