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Sushi : I’ve heard great things about this story so i decided to give it a go but wow.. there were just so many things that left me unfulfilled.
1. The relationship between Arwin and Latte went from 0 to 100 really fast? I just wish they would have showed them dating and falling in love more.
2. What on earth was that ending with Ibelin? She’s pregnant and the consort? So random to just throw in her ending like that when it’s obvious she would not be okay with sharing her husbands love.
3. What happened to the princess? We don’t see her wrap up and I would have actually found it really beautiful for her to end up with Kenneth as a way to go against the original storyline.
4. Those side stories were so bizarre and just kept going one after the other
byebyemyblue : the concept being magical girls and the color palette (mainly sunset colors with other vibrant colors not usually see at sunset) remind me of LoL's star guardian series, particularly the Everything Goes On MV. the music is literally composed by Porter Robinson which is one of the best artist who comprehend well the emotion of 'nostalgia' and present it perfectly in his songs.

theres other songs in kpop that use the imaginary of sunset, the fictional theme and the nostalgia emotion perfectly, like WJSN's Secret, f(x)'s Shadow and 4 Walls, EXID's Night Rather Than Day (not exactly magical but the instrumental is godly and magical) and for boys group, maybe TXT's Golden Hour i think

yeah just some random thoughts but this specific kind of concept evokes so much emotion and imaginary, loved it.