: Fak another manhwa got ruined cuz of plain art the I can't focus anymore cuz now they look like bunch of twelve yrs old kids I'm dropping it. GOODBYE HANDSOME BLUSHY MAN I WILL MISS YOU they need to stop changing the artist its better to just drop whole manhwa than to change art to worse.
: I like this story but it’s lacking common sense. She known the boy is powerful but his wounds would never heal when you have a store of literal healing people from the best of the best. In ch 14 I know the sword is strong but how is someone who half ass training and is smaller than her peers and she’s 7 going to slam a grown man. It’s just weird how this was even allowed in the first place like she couldn’t get another soldier to do it.
: This manhwa is not completed and will be coming back in March. It was on hiatus and people just assumed it was completed.
: been nonchalant for too long now your clenching your cheeks together