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frankoceanimissu : she geeking
Katezchen : The dad is an asshole. His son is happy and he forces him away and not even being sorry ._.
baksoenak : This manhua stress me out
bruhmoment : ok love the content so happy and soft BUT i’m wishing for more plot line too, like i need to see the mini angst of everyone fighting the bio dad
H~H : What gives them the right to hate her? They don't know the reason of her leaving and they just assume is because the ML is going war and probably die and that's why she's leaving him. Leaving the poor ML cold and sad.

I mean come on, you saw how she look like when FL sent him off to war and how she treats him and help him to open up and cure his curse. ARE THEY ALL BLIND?! Even they are angry, can't they just ask her? Shes approachable. Especially, the old butler. YOU WANT ML TO MARRY FL, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Now she cure ML and you are asking her to get out? WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHTS?

I'm so angry.