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Azz : He's asking for a fight, and war came instead. Now he's crying like a baby. What a lame ass dude ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
emenemaxpein : I literally sighed and exclaimed "Oh my gooodd" after reading that last panel. At this point, I cant defend you anymore bae. Havent we learn anything?(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sarafffff : Okay but like what about giving him the heads up first and leaving it up to him to decide whether he wants to talk to her or not? It's not like it's the first time he does that either and Inwoo didn't seem thrilled to meet her again so what the fuck is he trying to do exactly?
honeyglazed : i get how noah is feeling soooo much!!!!! LIKEEE it's easy to say she's being selfish but likeee isnt that how people really are??? if anything, im so glad that it seems she's being more genuine now. at her age, you rly cant help to think abt your future and career bc as much as we hate to admit it, those are REALLY BIG things in life. opportunities come very rarely no matter how hardworking you are so it is always best to try and grab it when it's there. BUTTT also almost always that they come w sacrifices and it's rly up to you how youre going to handle it. it's gonna be hard, yes. long distance relationships SUCK! but doing whats best for yourself and/or letting your partner reach for their own dreams and watch them succeed and be happy with the path theyve taken is a really wonderful thing!!! it's gonna be really, REALLY tough, and sometimes it's gonna feel like everything's falling apart and it's so hard to fix things when you can't be with each other physically BUTTT it's going to pay off once you get over that hurdle.

anyways, i hope they both do what they feel is best for them and they become happy and at peace w the outcome whatever it may be!! i love them so much <3
Naty_lala_Chan : Spoiler band-aid: (_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄ ̄)(_⁄ |⁄|⁄)
I want the bitch that slaped Philomel and stealed her ring to suffer so much ahhhh, soon soon plz, white hair dad plz avenge her (╯•ㅂ•)╯╧╧
mio : i really love this manhwa but it has so many things that remained unexplained,, anyway i can't wait for the extra chapters and i hope the author will take this as opportunity to somehow explain some of those so many things