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StoneCold : I know there's going to be romance but I still wish they'll remain children. They're so cute and precious. The chubby cheeks.
helvetica : It was really funny and cute but then he turned into an adult and things have just been taking a weird tonal shift and stuff rip. I came here for funny interactions with some mild angst ;;
MintGreen : My brother in christ, why is this not yuri? Never been one to wish for wlw in manwhas because I usually respect the author's choice but man are they pushing the yuri bait so hard. If the theories that Laila remembers another timeline are true, then that just makes the yuri even better. Like srsly? ANGST LESBIANS? LETS FUCKING GO??????!!!?!
Lover2Manga : I think I might cry if I see abel take his last breath. Gosh darn...I like his character so much. My big teddy bear