16 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.6 Ch.47 : Tip-Off!

Jun 11, 2024

Vol.6 Ch.46 : An Invincible Tyrant

Jun 11, 2024

Vol.6 Ch.45 : Vonder Festival

Jun 11, 2024

Vol.5 Ch.44 : Beeaseder Wavering

Apr 10, 2024

Vol.5 Ch.43 : Civets

Apr 10, 2024

Vol.5 Ch.42 : The Kaijuu Morgue

Apr 10, 2024

Vol.5 Ch.41 : The One Slumbering Inside Me

Apr 10, 2024

Vol.5 Ch.40 : One In Ten Thousand

Apr 10, 2024

Vol.5 Ch.39 : A Hero’S Weapon Has No Ejection Port!

Apr 10, 2024

Vol.5 Ch.38 : The Flesh Dies, But The Soul Lives On

Dec 7, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.37 : Exoskelet Reversal

Nov 23, 2023

Vol.5 Ch.36 : Countdown!

Nov 23, 2023

Ch.35 : Implementation Is Mine!

Sep 30, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.34 : Otoya's Christmas

Sep 10, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.33 : The Once Every Four Seconds Man

Sep 2, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.32 : Daydream Forensic Investigation

Aug 23, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.31 : Surpass The Law!

Jul 27, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.30 : An Ecstatic Man

Jul 27, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.29 : Siblings

May 28, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.28 : Marietty

May 28, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.27 : Behind

May 28, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.26 : Amazing Grace

May 11, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.25 : The Decapitated Mark of a Hero

May 9, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.24 : The Broken Limiter

Apr 23, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.23 : The Gamaland Showdown!

Apr 23, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.22 : Human Bullets and Tokusatsu

Apr 1, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.21 : The 1 AM Hero Cosplayer

Mar 4, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.20 : Dots, Sometimes Dramatically

Mar 4, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.19 : Real Hero Life!

Jan 14, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.18 : Viper's Declaration Of War

Jan 1, 2023

Vol.2 Ch.17 : The Grapes Of Steel

Nov 22, 2022

Vol.2 Ch.16 : La Passion De Waechter

Nov 7, 2022

Vol.2 Ch.15 : Yukipon's Pride

Sep 8, 2022

Vol.2 Ch.14 : The Kuuki Gunshin Cometh!

Sep 2, 2022

Ch.13 : I Saw a Tempestuous Light

Sep 1, 2022

Vol.2 Ch.12 : The Tokusatsu America Feared

Aug 26, 2022

Vol.2 Ch.11 : He Of Kiborger

Aug 7, 2022

Ch.10 : To You Who Would Become a Hero

Jul 18, 2022

Vol.2 Ch.9 : The Legend Of The Tokusatsu Mad Dogs

Jul 7, 2022

Vol.1 Ch.8 : Colourful For Whom

Jun 22, 2022

Ch.7 : Nebula Buddi's Grandchild

Jun 13, 2022

Ch.6 : What’s a Gekikou Suit?

Jun 6, 2022

Ch.5 : He Who Became an Ally of Justice

May 30, 2022

Ch.4 : The Seafloor Boy

May 30, 2022

Ch.3 : Enquire of the Origin!

May 7, 2022

Ch.2 : Ecce Homo!

May 7, 2022

Ch.1 : Those Who Connect the Stars

Apr 15, 2022
click to show all of the chapters


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