chelsea (≽^•⩊•^≼)
: Is he that priesty looking holy guy LMAO? Also.. I thought the book said bye bye, bro got baited by a BATH
: My shayla I'm always waiting for this story
: I have a younger sister and if a GROWN ADULT MALE 24 YEARS OF AGE MIND YOU was looking at her like that I’d k*ll him so yeah this weirded me tf out
: I FOOKEN KNEW IT! It's TOTALLY the doctor! I've suspected him from the time we had met both Kai and the doctor, and knew something fishy was going on... pun 1000% intended! I FOOKIN KNEW IT WAS THAT FOOKIN DOCTOR! RIGHT FROM GO I KNEW IT!!
pou ta toe
: the rating is unbelievable... wdym 8.5 ??
: that shit stings bro its an open wound and then getting tea and (possibly) tears on it?