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I don't read yaoi : Read this whole thing in one sitting.

I can honestly say the storyline was nice. I dont usually enjoy stories like this where the FMC stays a child for such a long period of time, which she does. She goes from 3, to 7 and stays there for a long time, then goes to 11, then finally 17 but I enjoyed it for what it was. It was mostly world building which I was alright with. Romance was barely there but you could see the potential in the main leads. The father-daughter dynamic was beautiful and I loved it a lot.

I do have to say, the build up to the climax was good and I was on the edge of my seat, excited, but during the final battle, it was kind of lackluster to say the least. I wish we could get more fights and more damage from this HUGE war that was building up for the entire story only for it to end in like 3-4 chapters. At most, it made the ending feel rushed but I still don't really regret reading this since I enjoyed all the characters.

I will also include that the FMC is portrayed as this smart and sociable person with high intellectual understanding of social cues but when she was being flirted with, she was suddenly clueless and didn't understand what was happening. It only happens once and it wasn't a big deal, just a detail I couldn't overlook.

1In conclusion, don't read it if you're looking for a story with heavy romance, proper pace for MC aging, and a climax to match the build up.
BrokenEchoes : I neeeeeeed it .