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Riri : mature manhwa is maturing, i love 'em so much
kopiko black : the mfcker is coming
mioamato : On one hand, I am so thankful that scanlation teams like gourmet supremacy still exist. I really, really am considering all the other top teams have already dissolved itself. And, in this economy that its hard to pay for little wants like paying for manhwa/manga chapters, their work is a godsend.

On another hand, theirs is not a legal, official translation. And yet they put a watermark all over it like we're not all violating some internet crime here already (i.e. going into an illegal website to browse illegally sourced material). The copyright of the material is simply not theirs so while I did go to their website to browse there instead, I am not sure on where the confidence is coming from that its okay to put their watermark all over someone else's work and I don't mean the translation. I know they removed it after a day or so but it still doesn't seem right to me.

In any case, no hate to all scanlation teams. I was just putting my mind out there just in case some people will have a better idea than using a whole ass watermark on the MC's face. I would donate to help out but I don't have extra money since the holidays are coming up. This is in no way to invalidate all your efforts and I hope I didn't sound ungrateful because I really am grateful and thankful to you guys. In the end, I just didn't like the watermark and how you did it.