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Love_the_Bass : Why’d she come out when she saw her father’s carriage??? Like, stay in the house? He wouldn’t have even known she was there unless one of them told. Even before that, she’s kinda dumb. She’s annoying me, actually ┗( T﹏T )┛
TinyTia : I am not paying for a chapter when I can pay for the official. Like it’s way illegal to make us pay for it when you don’t have ANY rights to it. I’ll just wait for the big dogs to come save the day. Plus there’s a difference to use donating to help y’all and paying for a damn chapter you don’t own.
Mae : Guys I 110% agreed with all your complaints about ‘the mirror scene’ because what was that? I was genuinely so confused bc i thought it was kinda like metaphorical imagery of his two-faced mess being exposed, then when i saw ruby bleeding a bit I assumed that he used spirit powers of something to like force her back. I genuinely had ZERO idea that he actually hurt her, and thought Izek was lowkey overreacting to his words about them running away together. Made me wonder what took him so long to do something and it wasn’t till i read the comments that I understood what happened ╥﹏╥
Ksksj : No way bros just finding out his heart isn’t normal