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Insertbratwurst : Where did this “holy power of God” vs “long hidden evil” final-showdown come from? While I don’t doubt it flew in out of left field, someone please explain why? What was the point?

There are so many better ways reach the game world’s ending than to spontaneously kill off our mc, after spontaneously granting saint powers to a side character, so she can spontaneously summon a Godly holy sword, while spontaneously granting holy knight powers to the prince, so he can try to kill his love rival who spontaneously became the embodiment of evil, resulting in our mc saving his @ss with a spontaneous love confession… did I miss anything?

And why are both participants on the good side so fine with killing their friend, without trying to look for alternative means first…?

Also, why is the plot jumping around like some drunken fool playing hopscotch?

I feel like the death of the second prince/villain was kinda slapped on, and moved on from, at an unnatural speed. Also felt like the second prince’s obsession with annoying his older brother was unnatural. If it was psychotic then it should have been made clear, but if not, then the lengths the second prince went to just to annoy his older brother were bizarre. I could see it being reasonable if second prince was after the throne, but he was after an unhappy expression on his big bro’s face? So much so, that he could die happy just from seeing it?

Not to mention, the second prince being able to hide the existence of an entire tower, to the point of erasing memories, while creating an unnoticed aversion to the exact location- like ain’t nobody ever walked straight into that invisible sh*t- is incredibly overpowered… but why not use such op ability before? Like all he’s trying to do here is piss off his bro. I seriously feel like that ability, its lack of prior results, and the whole premise of the second prince’s obsession with being a pain in the ass, is the result of plot armor.

Finally, saving the best for last, our mc wasn’t attracted to any of the available love interests at all. He was avoiding romantic relationships with ALL the characters, then suddenly he’s in love…?

Pacing, where art thou?