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Little pebble : CarseEENNN NOOOOOO
Sky : I thought the ML already gorgeous but then Lianca's butler came in....

Why so HOT when he seems like a villain too
Konpeko~ : Why's there so much drama
Pokopoko : So I was like maybe the author was just feeling bored or sum sum... I waited, I gave em chance cause like maybe the old maythan would come back not be dumb no more... But bruuhh.. da heck is going on??? I know maythan, he ain't just gonna ignore someone warning him about some shit and he ain't seem to have that much feelings towards carsen... All he thought is he's one of the guys that annoys him... How the heck did he developed em feelings when they barely meet at all until he came to school ... The prince should have higher chance
puree_MeLoDy : Im letting this marinate, and I'll read it once again after I graduated.... well it couldn't be that hard..! right..?