: I’m BAWLING MY EYES OUT FOR PLANTS- WHAT?? like I know we’re not necessarily meant to like him that much but GOSH HE HAS MY HEART! And the King- he’s my hear me out rn. BUT PLANTS MY BABY IF HE ENDS UP DYING IM GONNA CRY EVEN MORE
: Finally get to see the dragon. Though in human form. Can Raon become human too someday?
: Thank goodness the author didn't give up and decided to take a chance with this series, it's genuinely so unique and one of the best I've read. It's rare to have a story that depicts complex characters so well. I hope they can be proud and gain some self confidence after seeing how beloved it is. Very sad about no side stories, but looking forward to what they'll be creating next (though hopefully after taking a well deserved break.)
Lord Save Me
: Honey, you're playing a losing game
: Loved this novel sm they’re both so adorable I hope another artist can pick up the manhua again I need to see them drawn
: yo this story is actually making feel distraught. i can’t even imagine the pain that mc feels holy shit