: He and his brother lied to this woman, manipulated her and her family and kidnapped a woman they knew was terminally ill from her home and family for… what?
Juliet, in her first life, did absolutely nothing wrong. She was well within her rights to be furious with a man who failed to show up to his own wedding. She’s completely innocent of any guilt in this and the idea that she’s at any fault for this situation when he refused to ever be honest with her is pure nonsense. Everything he did was lovebombing. Their relationship was toxic because of him, his victim owed him nothing.
The fact that his garbage of a human being brother has the nerve to blame her for his brother’s suicide when both of them kept making decisions for her behind her back is awful.
She didn’t need a dragon to send her back in time, she needed therapy.
Juliet, in her first life, did absolutely nothing wrong. She was well within her rights to be furious with a man who failed to show up to his own wedding. She’s completely innocent of any guilt in this and the idea that she’s at any fault for this situation when he refused to ever be honest with her is pure nonsense. Everything he did was lovebombing. Their relationship was toxic because of him, his victim owed him nothing.
The fact that his garbage of a human being brother has the nerve to blame her for his brother’s suicide when both of them kept making decisions for her behind her back is awful.
She didn’t need a dragon to send her back in time, she needed therapy.