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Just yo average gurl :3 : I just pressed on a random fantasy reincarnation manhua just to get the happy feels and I was not expecting this mind fuck. It's so fucking good how the characters are portrayed. Ghadd I really liked that they put a bit of what happened after she got back to her world. I think this is one of the transmigration manhuas that actually shows the FL going back to their world and I would like to see more of that if anyone has any reco fee free to drop em.
Violet07 : Actually that is kinda smart. I can't came up with any way that the TRPA could get out of this mess. It can be kinda hard to like solve this situation when they targeted the vulnerable, something that the TRPA can't full take control of and protect 24/7 but still effect the TRPA deeply. Even if they disband that group or something, the group could still come back someway and do it again or new group like that will appear. It's like you could never get rid of it completely. Though I don't support her action at all, I gotta give it to her that is a pretty good plan.. It took me by surprise cause usually character like hers would be build like a dumb, brady media craving girl.
Side note: Why does some high school students in that gang look like grow ass man..
ReineReine : Everytime I read this I cringe at the scary facial expressions it’s so slay and well drawn like ugh it’s hella uncomfortable but that’s the point haha. Also I’ll never get over Sian and Yujin in the last chapter bye (▰˘◡˘▰)
hinata precious : Another hotty spotted ≧ω≦
Seckatippz : Misha has no chill hes not playin my dudes not playin..