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Demon King : I really want someone in the story to say "You put your sprem bitch, so either your pullout game is weak, or just weak period" or "Why should it be his fault when you the king is suppose to pull out. When your cheating lmao."
FinalGame : I'll be honest, this could lead to a terrible ending for our mc assuming this redo ability happens when he dies. If he dies of old age or of natural causes, will he still redo the very same familiar day until the end of time, or will he officially die if he dies of natural causes?

Either way, it'll be a terrible ending for him. Imagine repeating the day you died for so many times every action every one does will be so familiar that you'll go insane, and it will lead to the despair that the guy that appears during death wants
ReineReine : I’m at chpt 118 currently, sticking to the better quality uploads- But when I tell you my jaw fucking dropped reading that chapter??! I’m retiring bye
realmofheavens : the story is in the mcs pov and you can already feel tense and anxious bc of the ml. what more if its other peoples pov? id pee my pants lmao!