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AD4117 : Please i want moreee Aaaa!!!
Alice : Sou is such a cutie i love him
Minemina : I gotta make two points one this girl is just leaving her kids with anybody anywhere does not matter crazy to me whatever second point if a man says to me
“I have a confession to make” all serious like and then says I’m a wolf swear to God, I would bust out laughing in his face
Cole : erm, chat, is this worth the read and time??
asyuki : Given the fact that he gave no sh*t when she was out of prison I'd rather they wouldn't meet afterall. She was like a rat in the gutter with no prospects or protection, it's only the plot armor that keeps her alive.
It was her own choice I get that but I'd at least expect Isabel to look after her well being, since she was the one who dragged her into all that mess.