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oshawott : then drop it no need to make an announcement. no one getting sad for your departure
Jay : He's so pathetic, I love it
Takano san : This story captures perfectly the power of money. It’s cute and all about little MO’s keepsakes but damn it is nice to be rich in this world!
Remind me of an article about how the super rich handle moving; the company not only packed everything and also unpacked but they have designers to style the new place and chefs to provide fresh meals for when the owners come home. Imagine, you just need to walk into your new place and everything is done and done exceptionally well; all pictures hung, curtains, kitchen organized, clothes cleaned and organized, beds made with freshly ironed sheets, home thoroughly cleaned, a chef cooked meals ready and servers to wait on you and clean up and on and on!
Bet Mo won’t appreciate coming back to his place being suddenly upgraded though…