: The censoring was more extreme than I thought. They just skipped it all. Unacceptable Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Previously someone had kindly translated the main couple 18+ chapters. I'm just patiently waiting for another benevolent soul.
: (Ch 73) "someday when you're in pain I'll..." AND THEN U DIDNT AHHHHHHH Sanyu they could never make me like you
mua ashley
: gosh that beach and tf with that going for kiss beachass u got the weird hair color combinAtion
ma boie
: Did he really think his roomates were messing with him at the time? Why would he think that? Thats an odd mindset. Since they were actually teling the truth
Previously someone had kindly translated the main couple 18+ chapters. I'm just patiently waiting for another benevolent soul.