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Hoa : Waiting for one week more
nanayiyiw : chaewoo wake up and kill him plsor im gonna transmigrate into your universe and kill him myself
chi : First of… can i say i screamed (internally) SO MUCH AT THE FIRST FEW PANELS like what the fawk was that
☆ cyy ☆ : my jaw dropped when I saw double update (though the other one isn't translated)
omanko : So I see that most of the comments are talking about how people have dropped this story around chapter 70 to 80 and honestly not surprising… I am currently At chapter 78 and it feels like fucking pulling teeth!! I’m currently rereading this because I dropped this when Daniel was introduced and honestly did not like him from the start. I liked the first three men in the beginning and then the story just gets really bland. I haven’t seen many people mention this but is Libertia even seeing any past memories anymore?? I remember that being such an important part of the story and past Libertia kept getting on her for not trying to recover memories like look what the fuck is happening what is going on?!?!