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Other manga by the same author(s)

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Ch.42 : Converging Sea Lines

Aug 1, 2020

Ch.41 : "I can't look at you"

Jul 8, 2020

Ch.40 : Right Stuff

May 13, 2020

Ch.39 : A Justice Beyond The Sea

May 11, 2020

Ch.38 : You're Just a Minor Character?

May 6, 2020

Ch.37 : "Because I'm not cute"

May 4, 2020

Ch.36 : Heaven's New Year Gift

Dec 31, 2019

Ch.35 : You're Just a Minor Character!

Oct 18, 2019

Ch.34 : Inherited Flames

Oct 10, 2019

Ch.33 : One Beast After Another

Oct 5, 2019

Ch.32 : The Value of Being Useless

Sep 22, 2019

Ch.31 : That's All It Is

Sep 16, 2019

Ch.30.9 : J( ´.`)

Sep 7, 2019

Ch.30.8 : =J( ´.`)

Sep 6, 2019

Ch.30.7 : J( ´.`)?

Sep 4, 2019

Ch.30.6 : ((J( ´.`))) J( *´.`)/

Sep 2, 2019

Ch.30.5 : J( ´.`)/ J( ´.`)b J( ;´.`) J( Ξ´.`)

Aug 31, 2019

Ch.30 : Nothing Nothing

Aug 13, 2019

Ch.29 : Nee-Sama

Jul 7, 2019

Ch.28 : Kouhai

Jun 16, 2019

Ch.27 : Attack! Shoukaku's Sincere Cooking

Jun 15, 2019

Ch.26 : Graf Zeppelin's Charisma Classroom

Jan 13, 2019

Ch.25 : Responsibility

Jan 11, 2019

Ch.24 : Love

Jan 9, 2019

Ch.23 : Warmth

Jan 7, 2019

Ch.22 : The Need For Justice

Jan 5, 2019

Ch.21 : Senpai

Jan 3, 2019

Ch.20.5 : New Year Hidden Talent Tournament

Jan 1, 2019

Ch.20 : The Crane Rises Over The Sea

Dec 13, 2018

Ch.19 : Where Justice is Found

Dec 12, 2018

Ch.18 : Promise

Dec 5, 2018

Ch.17 : Someone Who Understands

Dec 4, 2018

Ch.16 : Duty

Dec 4, 2018

Ch.15 : "You're just a minor character"

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.14 : "Whose fault do you think it is"

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.13 : Together Always

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.12.5 : J( ´.`) and her cheery friends

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.12 : Lucky Z

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.11 : Curses Return Upon Those Who Curse

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.10 : Warning

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.9 : "It's ok"

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.8 : "I won't forgive you"

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.7 : "I can't forgive you"

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.6 : Meeting of Fate

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.5 : Shoukaku's Heart Pounding Bomb Disposal

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.4 : Shoukaku's Exciting Art Class

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.3 : Shoukaku's Dazzling Photogenics

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.2 : Shoukaku's Sparkly Cleaning Class

Dec 2, 2018

Ch.1 : Shoukaku's Sincere Cooking

Dec 2, 2018
click to show all of the chapters


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