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1of1g1rl : On chapter 35. Can someone tell me when she reveals the truth about regressing? If she never does, please tell me that too so I can drop this
ᥫ᭡陈悦ᥫ᭡ : The only way to enjoy this story is by ignoring the existing comments, this story is quite interesting compared to the trashy stories I read before... Besides, this is just a fictional story that doesn't need to be argued about, the story I read before was even worse than this but many didn't comment at all, but for a simple story like this, there are a lot of complaints, but for my personal opinion, this story is quite worth reading and enjoying as long as you understand the meaning of the word 'FICTION' and it seems that most of those who read the story and complain don't understand that. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

If anyone is offended, it means you are indeed like that, if not, just ignore my personal opinion hahaha