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Syn.chronic : read the raws and yea the smut is fye and the brother shows up way sooner than i thought he would.
Lolly : ... Okay this is just a thought cuz I really want that healer to be part of the group..
But think this is planned... Or not Idkkkkk I just hope it's planned I don't want them to enddd
StoneCold : Connie the con artist
rave : a pushover and now shes basically a witch thats throwing a tantrum. if shes so powerful just revive the mf that broke your heart and off him my goddd
I_w1ll-nev3r_eat_w4t3r : I've already read this like a long time ago, i forgot the story of this, now I'm rereading this, idc idccccc but latte x ibelin I KNOW but idccccc :P