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IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream : Imagine IRL let's say 50 chapters is 50 days, for 50 days a guy is super kind, generous, caring, cherishes you and all you do is be paranoid, use abrasive language against him, talk bad about him, betray him and basically say he's untrustworthy by betting on his literal opponent, basically being scum towards a saint and total angel, for more than 50 days, we can say in the beginning you can be weirded out, but then you accept all the changes that you caused in the novel except for Isidore just being kind even though he is kind in the novel too or perhaps doesn't even appear much, of course making a cafe takes more than 50 days, it obviously lasted for months and months, this unequal relationship of him giving his everything and her throwing dirt on his name and to his face, even talking badly about him behind his back saying he's suspicious, and why? cause he's kind?? yeah we can try to see her pov in the start but it's been nearly a year, I've been reading this from the start it's getting really boring, even the main story we don't talk about anymore, it's boring. what more can we say.
WhVt's_g0od_k0r3A : Love that guestella was wary about the appearance of their form. I'm surprised she's the type to care about her looks [natural beauty and all] then there's kayden who brags about looks but didn't even think about the side effects of the transformation