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Flower : Seem like extra second ML (the black hair noble dude, forgot his name) will always be extra second ML.

I really hope the Aunt is a good person and that blond ardal, I guess she never want to be one and interested in swordmanship instead.
LaNansha : Yesssss. Finally back!! Missed my little psycho and his boss lady. The fake princess is so not threatening that I feel sorry for how stupid she is. It’s like everyone but her is aware of it .
Erys : I understand why the authors did this but I’m gonna be realistic. I kinda don’t like that. He just went to the 50th floor. I don’t like the skipping thing I would want him to grind him for us to have like 50 more chapters or probably way more of him just getting there. I’m being strong enough in the first place.