328 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)



Jul 8, 2016

Ch.27 : Do You Believe in Magic?

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.26 : Snowflakes

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.25 : Butterfly and the Asphalt

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.24 : To Reminisce

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.23 : Snow That Falls in Summer

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.22 : Transformation

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.21 : The Adult I Know

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.20 : My Head

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.19 : To Ai

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.18 : Remember

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.17 : When She Was a Little Chick

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.16 : Crumbling

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.15 : Wandering in the Clouds

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.14 : Losing the Way

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.13 : Non-existent

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.12 : Letter

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.11 : Asphalt

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.10 : Two Kinds of Life

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.9 : Asked

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.8 : Hoping For

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.7 : Need

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.6 : Just as Snow Melts

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.5 : There Is No Light

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.4 : The Cursed Child (Ai)

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.3 : Properties of Toys

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.2 : Polka Dotted Leggings

Jan 14, 2011

Ch.1 : Chase

Jan 14, 2011


Oct 24, 2014
click to show all of the chapters


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