• Genres: Webtoons , Action , Drama , Fantasy ,
    Summary: In the vast continent of Blood, mysterious creatures known as Mythical Beasts exist. These extraordinary beings have the ability to fuse with humans, transforming into powerful weapons, sturdy armor, or essential tools for battle. For humans, Mythical Beasts are more than just allies—they are loyal partners bonded by trust and purpose. Those who wield their power are known as “Beast ...
    Latest Chapters: Ch.3 Ch.2 Ch.1
  • Genres: Webtoons , Shoujo , Fantasy , Historical ,
    Summary: "It seems a magnificent dragon has fallen head over heels for me?" Pearl, the cursed daughter of a noble, was on her way to being sold off to a neighboring lord when she was suddenly kidnapped. But the one who kidnapped her is none other than Erik— a descendant of the Great Dragons. This enchanting yet fierce dragon confronted Pearl with a single demand, to say the words "I like you."...
    Latest Chapters: Ch.1
Total: 682