When your mean friends are suddenly worried about you...
Wth is wrong with you guys?
SOURCE: I'm quitting heroing

You are watching an anime, and your parents walk in on the only 5 second scene in the entire 300 episode series which contains kissing.

Maturity is when you this realization: "So this is how I look when I am fangirling over my fictional crushes"
SOURCE: Apothecary Diaries

At a get-together in a restaurant: I want to get out of this conversation and start ordering the food.
SOURCE: Apothecary Diaries

Going to the theater with that one INTP friend be like... "Yeah, scientifically, that is not-" "SHUT UP INTP FRIEND!"
Source:Jujutsu Kaisen

When you ask your friends for help with work and they ditch you. Later you find them eating your lunch. "JERKS!"

When you realize that your answers are up and down because you missed a line in between on the scantron 3 seconds before the test ends...