Photo Tag: n'importe quoi

My ass tattooed, the dragon flew off his left arm

It's the first page and I already find it awesome XDDD

Bwuahahahahaha XDD Every time I laugh, it's just X""DDDDDD WTF "dick dakar rally", I can't stop X"D

AS IF MAN! IT SHOULD BE YOU WHO DIED! I don't like him since beginning but now I just hate him.

Gin-chan at beginning XDDDD "ugly, weird pattern, half fur, etc" XDDD

Fuck, you're kidding?! Sensei, why are you apologizing for it being long?! 9 vol?! It's all I want!!

"DON'T LOOK!" But dude, it's the point XDDDDD

A hard on seriously?! XXDDDDDD

"[Daruma-mode]" Bouhahahaha~! XDD

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