Photo Tag: ihn

so loud & embarrassing. im so tired of ihn, like, can someone get this entitled baby out of here.

shut the fuck up shut up shut up ihn why do u always open ur mouth its so embarrassing. wym cowards?

theyre so cute

ihn is just screaming internally, i just know it.

does this dude never learn his lesson about talking shit and thinking opponents are weaker than him?

of course he's there u idiot. it may seem like i hate ihn but i do not hate ihn.don't get me wrong

yayyyyyyyy he apologized

this may sound rude but right now all im hoping for is for ihn's arrogant self to breakdown and cry

idk ihn, dont u think its a little too easy.

someone tell ihn to be quiet cause why he talking trash about their equipment like. disrespectful

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