Photo Tag: amazed

The guy is just stunning. Looks like a snake. You know that you're some hot thing, don't you snake?

Ooooh, I never tought of retaining someone's hands this way, interesting..

Alors ça, mon gars, it's not shit: pheromones "materialisation" in smoke.. fckg good idea, so awsome

Everytime I see this scene my brains go "Pouf!" Eve-Ry-Time!! I just can't take it XD

Ahhhh this is too cool and sexy {Btwn swh mid-2018 and early 2016 uploaded}

This end, this page, it's incredible, extraordinary, terrific. Seriously, just "wow" {Btwn swh mid-2018 and early 2016 uploaded}

ohohohoh.. {Btwn 06 02,2016 and 04 02,2016 uploaded}

This page is just unbelievable {Swh btwn 06 02,2016 and 04 02,2016 uploaded}

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