Photo Tag: Bishies

-totally captivating- young bishie version of...

S-H-Ninja-Dragon-Shadow suddenly becomes father? of two hapless not so little ones. Bro lv=Bro power

Who would, could do such a cruel thing to such a sweet Demon Lord.?Great Buddah'sSnailsofWisdomHelp!

When Little Lambs get loose, reign them in, reel them in, predators about, dangerous manga life.

Yan vs. Tsundere. Clash of Demons, my manga-life money is on YMDL He-Tian, respect opening gambit ts

There would be more trouble for you Y.M. D.L. He--Tian if he were to become more hnd'some 'em flies!

To be young again: the spoiler acting out being spoilt. manga life is spoiling me -in a good way.

Young Master Demon Lord, HEHEHE...He-Tian likes spoiling precious, now demanding/commanding pet.

And this is how He-Tian proves he is our superior Young Mster Demon Lord.Impressive improvisation/IQ

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