Hikaru, a second year high school student, is obsessed with Shima, a male teacher. Surprisingly, Shima is not averse to the boy's affections. He even convinces Hikaru to study hard so that when he graduates, they would openly become lovers. However, Amamiya, an ex-lover of Shima, steps into the picture and tries to win him back. Will Hikaru and Shima's passion prove great enough to hurdle all the obstacles stacked against them?
Sou is a robot created by Doctor Kei who takes care of Ringo, the doctor's son. One day after picking Ringo up from school, they see a man who shares Sou's name confronting the doctor. And what's this? He is the splitting image of Sou?
Snake Bite
You and I can't do this
He graduated early from the science department, acquired his PhD at a record speed, and is now a senior researcher making a large salary at a major company. In other words, Go Youngwon is a pitiful engineering student that has never been outside his school or the lab. Just like his name, he dreams about love and forever ever after. But, he's actually a sucker for looks and falls in love quickly. Because of this bulldozer-like personality, he often gets dumped before he even starts dating. Meanwhile, the guy he's been stuck with lately is... Kang Hyunwoo, a man of the same age, and who has the exact opposite temper, tastes, personality, and basically everything else.
Usotsuki Na Kimi No Toriko