Fabian is a seemingly ordinary man who suddenly manifests abilities as an Esper one day. On top of dealing with his newfound powers, he must deal with Konrad: his S-class guide who treats him with an unusual level of care and attention. Initially confused, Fabian finds Konrad’s purpose for openly treating Fabian with such benevolence is to take advantage of his S-class abilities, his healthy body, and... blood?! “Yours is the best I've ever tasted.” Can Fabian defend himself against a guide who wants both his body, his brawn, and his blood?"
I Was Reborn as His Highness the Prince's Little Evil Dragon
The S-Class Guide as Sweet as Honey
Jin Hyoseop is an S-class guide whose powers leave him aroused and smelling as sweet as honey. In order to hide his embarrassing secret, he joins a C-class guild on the condition that he only does the minimum guiding required to heal his esper guildmates. It shouldn’t be an issue since the guild’s kind and understanding commander Andante assures him that they don’t handle any dangerous jobs. But then, why does everyone keep coming back injured and in desperate need of guiding? Little does Hyoseop know that he has just stepped into a lair of criminal S-class espers!
A Guide Out to Succeed