Kaji Ryouta, who aims to be a cameraman, is currently living with his creative upperclassmen. This person who appeared at his studio appartment and unexpectedly ended up living in his room was someone Kaji admired in high school, someone he fell in love with, confessed to at his graduation ceremony, and was spectacularly dumped by -- upperclassman Miyata Makoto. That person. And...? Kaji starts his second love in this omniverse series that details the sparkling emotions of those that surround the two.
Love or Hate(Yeongha)
Haesoo and Joowon, whose parents' remarriage meant that they must never be in a romantic relationship. Through repeated partings and encounters, fights and their senseless forsaken relationship in bed, changes began to take place as Taekyung came in between the two of them. +
Dokusen Kenrisho