Gakuen Keiji Love Mission
At Kakyoku Academy, the Academy Detectives are selected from the best of the student discipline committee, and charged with keeping the school’s order. Detective Sayama Tsubaki is paired with underclassman Sakurai - whose bloodhound-like nose for crime wounds the elite Tsubaki’s pride. They‘ve been ordered to pretend to be a couple, to catch the so-called “couple-crusher” red-handed. But if it’s just an act, why is Tsubaki so flustered by Sakurai’s lovey-dovey behavior…?
Smc E Youkoso
Really blunt boy joins manga club, because he enjoys the president of the club's manga. All 3 members of the club are famous in the school, if a bit strange behind closed doors. Boy gets teased/harassed alot by the club president.
Lotus Eater
Linked story: the characters from the story: Wonderful days is represented in this story. Rihito promised himself that he’d never fall in love with a hetero or bisexual. However when Rihito’s shop manager, Kanda Kouji, confessed to him, he allowed Kanda to hold him. Ri-chan made it clear to Kanda that it’s impossible between them. But with Kanda’s continuous advances, will Ri-chan give in?
While trying to save a cat, Mei literally falls into Akihiko's arms, also breaking his glasses in the process. To pay him back, Mei gets a part-time job at the store where Akihiko works. This might just be the start of a very sweet love story.
Hanagaya Eigyousho No Kare
Super-elite Akae, who used to work overseas, was demoted to a branch office in Japan because of office romance troubles. However, waiting for fed-up-with-love Akae is the much-rumored, devilish supervisor Nagamine, who can enslave anyone (in lust) -- ?
Koko kara Dousuru?
Our House Love Trouble
Megane To Koi To Aoi Tori
Kei, who loves to read shoujo manga and romance novels, is a high school student yearning for love. However, he understands that his unpopularity doesn’t make him fated for love. If he were just as handsome as his childhood friend, Kiyoshi, love would probably come easily… Thinking of this, Kei gets envious of Kiyoshi.
Kawaii Akuma
Akuma serie 1. Akiyoshi Tooru is the perfect student with glasses. Unfortunately, he’s always been told that he was ‘cute’ and ‘pretty’ which forced him to develop an inferiority complex as a young man. The very same Akiyoshi received a confession from a boy of rare beauty, Naruse Fuuta. Of course, Akiyoshi rejected the confession from another man. However, Naruse lost it, underwent a complete change of attitude, and attacked him! Now knowing the fearsome nature of Naruse, what fate awaits the fleeing Akiyoshi?!
Otoko Irochaya