Houkago no Love Call
Plot: A high school teacher, Ueda Wataru, was rejected by a person he loved back when he was a high school student and has been timid in love ever since. However, he's now fallen in love with his student's father, Ippongi Kazushi, a Yakuza. Although Ueda knows that he shouldn't be, he's fascinated with the good looking Ippongi's sweet words...
Koi No Jumon
Mihara is a teacher who just can not have a long relationship with a girl. Then one day go to a bar and tries to prove that is not gay so enters with a terrible temper and rejects all that come around except Shouta, who falls for him at first sight. From then Shouta will not stop bothering Mihara do it because you want to fall for him. Why Mihara refuses the idea of being gay?
Makin' Purple
Plot: This is a story centered around a male idol band named "Silver Purple" and the two girls that suddenly popped into their lives.
Tatsu No Otoshigo
One day a mechanic finds a child with horns fainted in the mountain and brings him home. So begins their life together.
Ihoujin ~ Etrange
The story is about a fallen angel and a demon. Both have lived on for centuries but they hold different views about love and relationships with humans. What will the future bring for these two? Will Tsukiya ever find an everlasting love in a human or should he just settle for Gento? 6 chapters and an extra, Sweet Home
Ashinaga Ojisama
Ah, where there are innocent and cute young men there will always be older rich men who love them secretly from the shadows and support them anonymously. This one is a bit funnier than most with the D.L.L. having a neurotic side.
Voice Or Noise
Young Shinichiro once had a chat about alternate realities with a local cat on a hot summer day. Years later, he discovered another cat who can speak the language of humans, and a door opens to a whole new world. Unfortunately, his guide to learning how too talk to animals is not were eager to learn him.
Karada Meate De Warui Ka
1-3) Is it wrong to eye your body
Amayadori Wa Basutei De
This whole incident started with a phone call from Ikushima’s younger siblings in a bus stop, where he had the most unfortunate luck of meeting happy-go-lucky boy, Ariie. Ikushima may look pretty, but his seemly bad and cold attitude gave him the nickname “queen”. Even though he doesn’t think he’s wrong (actually what he say seems right, justified even) but his good intention is always taken the wrong way. He blames it on his extremely serious look. Stumbling upon the queen’s soft side, Ariie used the information to his advantage and started following poor Ikushima. Will love blossom from this seemingly weird pair…?
Chinko no Tsubuyaki dj - Chintsubu